Alien boss WIP

Well that was a long week, started a new job at a new school so no time for hobby.  Boo!  Today instead of planning lessons I have been painting, hurray!  I’ve nearly finished one of Eli’s excellent figures, so characterful.  I have based my paint scheme on Baron Sials Greenback from Danger Mouse

and something is bugging me.  The fur collar isn’t right, do you think I should paint it the same purple as the body armour?  Or maybe another colour?  The photos are rubbish by the way, quick snaps from my phone which make my painting look terrible, it’s not that bad in real life.  (I hope)

Any comments gratefully accepted.
Cheers, Rob

More building work underway

I have started work on a few more structures for AE Bounty, though having seen the Department figures on Tiny Solitary Soldiers wonderful blog I have started to have magpie syndrome, must resist.  Anyway, these need sanding and painting, hopefully to be done at the weekend.



When I said I’d procrastinate, I didn’t lie!!!!!!!!

Ridiculous, I set this blog site up over a year ago and posted zilch.  Great, well done.  To be fair I did start a rather intense training programme for work which lasted a year, but now it’s finished I should have some spare time.  In which to procrastinate over projects.  No, no, no, I will paint and game, both solo and with my now 7 year old son.  I have become fascinated by 15 mm gaming and as such have bought figures from CMG and, I’ve even started building some terrain, so without further ado, if there is anyone out there in cyberspace land, here are some wip’s.  The terrain has just finished having it’s first coat of filler/glue mix and so needs sanding down.  Then I’ll paint them up.  The figure is a wip of a CMG mini and is an experiment, the paint has gone a bit thick and I’m still getting my head round how to highlight and shade at this scale but hey ho, I’m enjoying it nonetheless.  I intend to try out AE Bounty at this scale and hope to have my first game in a few weeks.  Anyway, my son is nagging me right this minute so I need to play a game of Space Hulk with him.

Hello world!

Welcome world, this blog will be about my procrastination in the hobby and my attempts to immerse myself and my son in the wonders of gaming in different universes.



adventures in distant lands

Dice of Legends

adventures in distant lands

15mm Strife

adventures in distant lands

Painting Agency

adventures in distant lands

Laughing Ferret

adventures in distant lands

Tiny Solitary Soldiers

adventures in distant lands